Journey Collection
Chapter 8
Dream like Clouds
Chapter. 8
Dream like Clouds

As someone that has many dreams,
small or big, I have learned to value them and
respect each and every single dream I have and had.
Don't compare your dreams with others
but simply appreciate that these dreams
were all a part of your journey.

Remember that one dream you had when you first started your journey?
Thank you for not giving up on that one dream.
Because you kept going, your one dream manifest into many possibilities.

While some dreams might be small,
some might be simple, some might be abstract,
all of them are unique and important.
They represent your values and who you are.
They represent a time of our existence.

Small or big,
don't let them go, keep them close to your heart.
Whether it is to commemorate a dream you once had,
a dream you have chosen to let go,
these pieces are made to acknowledge all of the dreams.

Choose your cloud, choose whichever one fits your dream best.
Small or big, all of them are just as precious and unique.
Arrange them in way you want, this is for your dreams.

Dream like Clouds
Dream high above the horizon,
under the blue sky,
under the night sky,
under the rain,
under all circumstances,
dream like clouds.