Journey Collection
Chapter 4
Chapter. 4
Starting a new journey is not easy at all.
In fact, walking the path gets even harder.
Every step I take, insecurity kicks in,
questioning whether or not
I made the right choice to start this journey.

Every road seems like a rocky path.
Every step gets harder and bigger.

Whatever road you are on right now,
no matter how tired, how messy, how hard it might be,
remind yourself where you started,
remind yourself why you started,
remind yourself the heart and passion
you had when you first started.

You might not see the value behind all the hardships you are going
through right now, but I want to tell you it will all be worth it.
Every rocky path, every obstacle, every challenge,
you will endure and grow through it all.

Every step of your journey
is a mark of your progress.
Don't give up and remember
you will walk through it all.