Our Little Diary

"Our Little Diary"
An ongoing collection in collaboration With Caitlin.
人 生 最 微 小 的 事 情 都 不 是 渺 小 的
The smallest things in life is never insignificant.
We want to capture the small bits of life, the little beauty and little moments.
In a diary format,
Caitlin, my best friend, will be writing.
and I will be hand carving shapes based on parts I resonate with.
Written on July 28, 2020
I have been constantly underestimating and forgetting
about the power of a smile. How much a split second of genuine warmth can change an atmosphere, a situation, a mindset.
How much an upward curve of a person’s mouth
can convey so much, rendering words unnecessary.
How comforting that is.

Read full diary entry below.

Written on July 29, 2020
Like a tightly woven network of humans
with different wavelengths and shapes,
coming together and letting go of our differences.

Read full diary entry below.